Our Services


fertility specialist

Young couples focus so much on preventing pregnancy that it comes as a shock when they decide to conceive and discover they can’t. If you’re one of the 15% of couples who are having trouble conceiving, are part of the LGBTQ+ community, or are ready to conceive on your own, you aren’t alone!, To schedule an appointment, contact us today!

Fertility Specialist

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Couples under 35yo should seek assistance when they’re not pregnant after a year of trying. However, women shouldn’t always wait a year before scheduling an infertility evaluation. It’s time to call Halo Fertility when you’re in one of the following categories, or simply when you are just ready for a little extra help and guidance:
  • Women younger than 35 who aren’t pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected sex.
  • Women aged 35-40 who aren’t pregnant after six months of regular, unprotected sex.
  • Women of any age who have irregular menstrual periods or a gynecological condition known to affect fertility.
  • Women over the age of 40 who decide they want to get pregnant.
  • If you’re 40 or older, getting a gynecological evaluation before you try to get pregnant gives you the opportunity to treat any problems first and increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy.
  • LGBTQ+ Individuals/Couples.
  • Single Individuals ready to conceive.

Fertility diminishes in men and women as they get older, but age is an urgent concern for women because the number and quality of their eggs rapidly diminish as they reach a certain age.

Women are the most fertile through their 20’s and early 30s. Their fertility gradually declines until around the age of 35, at which point it may become more difficult or take longer to conceive. By 40 years of age, the chances of getting pregnant begin to decline every month.

Men and women are equally likely to be the reason they can’t get pregnant. About one-third of couples have difficulty due to a male-factor problem and one-third learn the problem is due to a condition affecting the woman. For the remaining one-third, the cause of infertility can’t yet be determined.

In women, the most common reasons for infertility include:

  • Ovulation problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (affects 25-30% of infertile couples)
  • Fallopian tube blockage (affects 20-30% of infertile couples)
  • Endometriosis (affects 5-10% of infertile couples)
Other problems that often affect a woman’s fertility include uterine fibroids, genetic conditions, and being overweight or underweight. When male-factor infertility is diagnosed, the problem often involves sperm problems, including a low sperm count, abnormally shaped sperm, and sperm that can’t move effectively.

Infertility evaluations include a thorough examination of your reproductive health, including ultrasound imaging and tests that show hormone levels and ovarian function. If you have an underlying health condition, Dr. Macer customizes your treatment to take care of that specific problem. If improving health conditions doesn’t improve your ability to get pregnant, Dr. Macer may recommend options such as intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilization.

To schedule a fertility evaluation, contact Halo Fertility today! We look forward to helping you.

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