Our Services


In Vitro Fertilization

Many couples facing infertility achieve their dream of having a healthy baby using in vitro fertilization (IVF). Dr. Macer is a recognized expert in infertility and in vitro fertilization, combining both his personal and professional experience and compassionate care to support couples throughout their emotional journey to parenthood. 
To learn more about IVF, contact us today!
In Vitro Fertilization

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Fertility Specialist

See a Fertility Specialist in Los Angeles, Rolling Hills Estates & Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

Infertility can take a mental and physical toll on couples. It can be a difficult and scary time for everyone. You may wonder why you are struggling to grow your family and feel unsure where to turn. Halo Fertility can help. Our infertility physician clinic in Los Angeles, Rolling Hills Estates & Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, aims to understand your struggles and offer you the most effective testing and treatment to help you achieve your dream of having a baby. You will meet with a fertility specialist doctor who will diagnose your condition and help you find the best option to achieve your goals, including IVF treatment. Our clinic prides itself on personalized and compassionate care to ensure that you are not just a number.

Comprehensive Fertility Testing

Before qualifying for IVF treatment, you must visit an infertility physician to determine the cause of your infertility. In some situations, the woman’s body isn’t cooperating, while male-factor infertility is a concern in other couples. Some couples encounter both issues. The good news is that IVF treatment can often be the answer. After conducting comprehensive testing for you and your partner, we will recommend whether this treatment is proper for you or if you can try other methods first.

A Caring and Compassionate Team

After choosing to undergo IVF treatment, you will work with a compassionate team of medical professionals at Halo Fertility who aim to make the process as stress-free as possible. Minimizing stress offers the best chances of success. We work with you through every step of the journey, from medication to egg retrieval to fertilization to implantation. We’re always available to answer questions and help you understand the process. We aim to help you achieve your goal of bringing home a healthy baby.


Frequently Asked Questions

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one type of assisted reproductive technology. To perform IVF, the ovaries are stimulated with hormones identical to the ones made in the brain. This allows us to obtain many eggs (that would have otherwise been wasted that month), as opposed to a single egg that is normally grown with each menstrual cycle. Once mature, we remove the eggs and fertilize them with sperm in our state-of-the-art embryology lab, creating embryos. The entire process usually takes about 10-12 days.

Once ready to conceive, the embryos are then placed into the woman’s uterus, undergo genetic testing, or kept frozen and preserved for future pregnancies.

Dr. Macer uses IVF to treat infertility caused by numerous conditions, including:

  • Unexplained infertility
  • Individuals desiring genetic testing or gender selection
  • Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
  • Banking embryos for the future
  • Ovulation disorders
  • Same sex relationships
  • Ovum donation or surrogacy
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Sperm abnormalities

In vitro fertilization follows four steps:

Ovarian Stimulation

You’ll receive injections of two medications: one to stimulate egg maturation inside the ovaries and the second to prevent ovulation. You’ll take the medications for about 8-10 days. During that time, we regularly monitor your ovaries using ultrasounds and blood tests so we can determine when the eggs are mature and ready to be fertilized.

Egg Retrieval

When your eggs are mature, they’re retrieved using a minimally invasive procedure. After being placed in a conscious sedation (you are asleep but breathing on your own), we use an ultrasound to guide a needle through the vaginal wall and into the ovary, then gently withdraw the mature eggs. The procedure takes around 15-20 minutes, is painless, and you can go home within an hour of the retrieval.


Whether you’re using your partner’s sperm or donated sperm, it’s collected while your eggs are retrieved and used to fertilize each egg. For the next 5 days, the fertilized eggs grow into embryos, a process that normally takes place in the fallopian tubes. Once embryos are created, most patients chose to perform genetic testing on them in order to optimize success of getting pregnant as well as identifying gender. The embryos can either be used to get you pregnant that month, or frozen until you are ready to conceive your next baby. The embryos can be frozen for at least 20 years without a decline in their potential to result in a live birth.

Embryo Transfer

For patients desiring to get pregnant immediately, Dr. Macer performs what is called a “Fresh” transfer. For those who desire genetic testing of their embryos, this is typically performed the following month. After optimizing the uterus to make the best “home” for the future baby, we use a long, thin tube to transfer the best quality embryo(s) into the uterus. The transfer is quick, as the tube is simply inserted through your cervix and the embryo(s) is precisely placed in your uterus. Around 11 days after the embryo transfer, you’ll be tested to see if you’re pregnant.

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